Download apps by Rummy,

Download apps by Rummy,
source admin date 2024-04-23
This game is a game that will sharpen the brains of the players. Which requires the player to slide the blocks in order to form a path to be passed by the ball from the Start line to the Goal line.
How to play it?
1. There are several blocks that have a path in them arranged in a mess on the game board.
2. Players must arrange so that the blocks that have paths to connect to each other. And connect the Start path with the Goal path.
3. How to set it by doing "Slide" towards the top, right, bottom, or left. So the position of the block move.
What is challenging in this game?
# There are several stages
# Where in each stage there are 40 levels to complete
# But calm, there are "Hint" that will help solve the game.
Let's finish all the puzzles, sharpen your brain!
Have a nice play!
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