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A Tale of Survival

source admin date 2024-05-14

A Tale of Survival - as you might guess from the title of the game, you have to try to survive on a desert island after a shipwreck. You have to explore a randomly generated completely open world, collect dozens of types of resources, and defend against various enemies. The game implements a realistic survival model, hunger, cold, these are not many things you have to take care of so that your hero can survive in a world filled with dangers. ATOS is made in the style of eight-bit games, which certainly gives it a certain flavor.CPU---Android OS4.0Open GL---Free Space 32.36 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetYesEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newAbility to play as a female character;Improved balance;FixedBlackJack Pokers errors.Update history-----

junglee Rummy

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