Download apps by Rummy,
Download apps by Rummy,
source admin date 2024-05-13
Full version New interesting levels have become even more beautiful and impressive. Added new weapons, new opponents and even more tactics and action. Support for four languages: English, Russian, German and French. Adjusting the balance of the game for players with different goals. If you want to test your strength in strategy, then play on the hard difficulty level. If you just want to have fun, then choose the easy or medium difficulty level. A wide variety of types of weapons and landscapes gives great freedom in choosing battle tactics. The correct choice of the type of weapon and its location is the key to successful defense. The use of an airstrike and a temporary increase in the power of guns gives advantages and will not allow you to get bored during the battle. A cache is required for the game1) Download cache2) Unpack to sdcard/Android/obb/3) The result will be SD/Android/obb/cache_folder/keFortune OX files4 ) Trying to launch the gameCPU---Android OS4.4Open GL---Free Space 156.34 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetYesEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----
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